In April, the Middlesex Workforce Development Partnership launched their fourth Young Entrepreneurs Business Plan Contest. The contest asked of youth to complete an entry form and submit a business plan by the beginning of July. To qualify, each participant needed to be a resident of Middlesex County, have a great idea for a business they intend to start in 2023, and possess a budding entrepreneurial mindset.
Each business plan was critiqued by 3 members of the Middlesex Workforce Development Partnership and each applicant received the feedback that was recorded by all judges.
“The goal of this contest is to inspire youth to think creatively but also seriously about joining our local business community,” says Middlesex County’s Director of Economic Development, Cara Finn who Chairs the MWDP. “We hope this contest helps build confidence in our local youth to take their ideas to the next level,” she continues.
This year’s winner, Aditya Nandwani from the Municipality of Thames Centre pitched a company idea titled “Puzzled Solutions” which is a therapy clinic that centralizes Rubik’s Cubes in its practice. There are various forms of therapy offered in the plan that also detailed potential for future expansion, uniqueness of the business, employment details, including a financial overview of how the business will function.
We would like to thank all our participants again for the hard work and dedication they put into their business plans and offer another sincere congratulations to our winner. We wish them the best of luck in pursuing their businesses and in future endeavours.