From Recycled Plastic to Pipe – Advanced Drainage Systems Inc. (ADS) showcases how your daily household packaging can be turned into drainage pipe solutions and may make you think twice before you throw something out in the trash.
At the first Middlesex County Business Pop-Up FAM Tour on June 15, 2023, ADS opened its doors for a behind-the-scenes look at what they do. This event provided an opportunity for attendees to see how recycled plastics are transformed into the durable pipe that is utilized for stormwater management solutions. As a leading manufacturer in this industry, ADS’s products are used in a wide variety of markets and applications including commercial, residential, infrastructure, and agriculture. They manage the industry’s largest company-owned fleet with transportation methods being a crucial part of their daily operations.
ADS is one of the largest plastic recycling companies in North America with one of their manufacturing plants being located in the Municipality of Thames Centre. Their location in the Thorndale Business Park provides efficient transportation access to Hwy 401 and the U.S. border. Additionally, it allows the company to attract talented full-time workers from the surrounding Middlesex County/London area.
On a daily basis, many residents may drive by companies in Middlesex County not realizing what they do behind closed doors. This is why Middlesex County’s Department of Economic Development wants to provide the opportunity for individuals to get a better understanding of what the many great businesses in the community do through the newly established Pop-Up FAM tour initiative. Hosting these tours is a learning experience for the attendees, but also highlights opportunities for the business to hold conversations with various representatives attending in order to build connections, as well as to discuss current issues and plans for future expansion.
During our tour, ADS’s team explained that as a company that is leading the way in environmentally friendly manufacturing, it is crucial for the company to receive recycled plastics for its end product. So, the next time you plan to throw something out in the trash, please take time to stop and think of what else it could be used for and the 150 jobs that ADS supports here in your own backyard. Check your local jurisdiction’s recycling guide for more information and be sure to stay tuned for other upcoming Middlesex County Economic Development events and Investment updates at www.investinmiddlesex.ca.